Sunday, March 8, 2009


That is what my life has been for the past week: utter busyness and pain. Okay, that might be exaggerating a little, but we had so many museum assignments and long, hard readings, and I got a B-/C+ on my last paper, which discouraged me. So it wasn't such a great week. And then I got a last start on that week's paper because I was out all day Thursday finishing up the MAG and seeing an opera (Dr. Atomic, about the atomic bomb--very weird), and on Friday I was so tired that I napped for most of the afternoon. And on Saturday I didn't have any ideas, so by the time I actually started writing it was 5pm. But the reason I could finally start writing was because I finally had something to write about, so after that it went well; I got it finished just in time, and I feel pretty good about it.

So today is Sunday, and I'm supposed to be able to relax and have fun. But it hasn't turned out that way (although we did watch Disney's Beauty and the Beast, which was great--we watch a Disney movie every week). And this week is going to be busy too, maybe even busier, so if you could all pray for me about being able to get everything done and not getting stressed, that would be wonderful. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll def. pray that everything calms down for you... (goodness! it's sounds terrible!)
